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Le montant minimum de commande est de 200 €
Matériau | Acier inoxydable AISI 304 |
Garantie | 1 année |
I’ve tried the machine and it works well.
Thanks again and good job !
Above all, wè are very pleased with thé machine !
Simple of use, and wash, efficient, and even nice!!!
Olivier Dummett
Je suis très content du matériel tout va bien.
Hugues Gaudet
I am really happy about the coating machine I purchased. The only problem is I think I will need to buy a bigger one soon ;)
Nouveau joujou pour nous aider sur la R&D de nouvelles recettes gourmandes, la conche Kadzama de 7kg va donner de nouvelles perspectives dans notre développement et sera aussi dédiée aux Accords Parfaits, qui consistent à créer sur mesure un chocolat Bean To Bar qui match à la perfection avec le vin. Welcome chez toi, petite Kadzama
First of all, we are very satisfied of our three machines ! I oftten talk about you to my french collegues chocolatiers !!!!
My first impression about the machine is robustness. The machine looks liKe to be made for working many years. I only did two batch, so i am still looking for the good settings...